North Pole

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 90, 360.

The North Pole refers to the northernmost point on Earth, located in the Arctic Ocean. It is also known as the Geographic North Pole or True North. The North Pole is the point at which Earth's axis of rotation intersects the surface of the planet. It is the opposite point to the South Pole, which is the southernmost point on Earth.

The North Pole is characterized by extremely cold temperatures and is covered by a permanent layer of ice that floats on the Arctic Ocean. It is surrounded by the Arctic region, which consists of various landmasses such as Greenland, parts of Canada, Russia, and other Arctic countries. The region is known for its unique ecosystem and the presence of polar bears, seals, walruses, and other Arctic wildlife.

The North Pole holds a significant geographical and symbolic value. It has been a subject of exploration and scientific research throughout history. Many expeditions have been undertaken to reach the North Pole, starting from the early 20th century. Today, the North Pole is a popular destination for adventurers and tourists, who often visit by icebreakers or aircraft.

Coordinates of North Pole
Country NA
Latitude 90
Longitude 360
Elevation 0 m
Distance NA km